live to create

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Boy. 2009. Graphite on paper. 5" x 7".

This was my first (and only, so far) figure drawing that I intended to have look realistic. I did it late one night when I couldn't sleep, and I ended up staying awake for hours just to finish it. Looking back at it now, I notice the little mistakes, like how his back is a little too square (as is his butt), that the shoes look like male Bratz doll shoes, and that the hands are awkwardly small, but overall, the proportions are fairly well done for a non-figure drawer.

Summer Love. 2010. Graphite on paper. 5" x 7".

This just makes me say awwww every time I see it :) This was inspired by two first dates that I have been on...both involved walking on railroad tracks! I wanted to do a perspective drawing as well as a sunset/sunrise drawing, so I combined those ideas. However, it looked bland and boring, so I added the miniscule silhouettes which resulted in this awwww-inspiring picture. My favorite part was doing the fading sky and fluffy clouds, and of course, the big AWWWW after I realized how darn cute it was!   

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